tailor-made contemporary wallcoverings

Serena Confalonieri

Serena Confalonieri


After a Master Degree in Interior Design at Politecnico di Milano, Serena worked in many architecture and design practices, moving from Milano to Barcelona and Berlin. Now she runs her own studio in Milano, working on interior, graphic and textile design projects and collaborates with important companies in Italy and abroad.

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“"My sources of inspiration are my travels, my love for textiles, my curiosity for tribal cultures and ancestral signs."”

Seventeen wallpaper designs for Wall&decò and counting. Seem simplistic to try and categorize them, so instead I will share a general impression: they all seem to me like small worlds, worlds where the decors are the “true inhabitants”, like characters from a story or a cartoon, and we are the spectators, looking through a window into their everyday life… Would you agree with this?


Yes, definitely. Before I begin a new design, I always figure in my mind a room, the room where the wallpapers will end up. I figure out the colors and the materials matching, I imagine the people that will live and love there… but first of all I always think of it as something that I would love to have in my home. It is a required condition for me: if this premise does not work, neither will the design.


Let’s talk a little more about worlds. As an artist, you express yourself not just through wallpapers but also with design objects, as well as illustrations and exhibitions. You create a lot of works, but there is a deep connection running through all of them, as if they were all part of the same one world. What are your sources of inspiration? Is there a new design topic that you would love to try?


The feeling of entering a small world, made up of stories and personal experiences, comes from the same thing we were talking about before: consistency. If I am developing a project and it does not work for me, I stop. I think it is wrong to submit something that I, for one, would not use or like.

My sources of inspiration are my travels, my love for textiles, my curiosity for tribal cultures and ancestral signs. The foundation of my work is that a sign or a shape must be welcoming and convey a sense of warmth.

I would love to work on automotive interiors: I do not use cars too much, but a lot of people spend a lot of time in theirs and it seems absurd to me that cars still have not achieved a decent level of coziness and comfort. 


A room dressed with one of your wallpapers. Inside, a character from History or Fiction (from literature all the way to movies). Who are they?


The wallpaper is Melrose. It is the scenery that embraces the imaginary characters from Gabriel García Márquez’s novels.


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